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Afd Wahlprogramm Kurzfassung

The AfD's Tax Policies in a Nutshell

Key Points of the AfD's Electoral Program

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a German political party that has been gaining ground in recent years. The party's electoral program includes a number of proposals related to taxes, including:

A graduated tax rate

The AfD proposes a graduated tax rate, with higher earners paying a higher percentage of their income in taxes. This is in contrast to the current flat tax rate of 42%, which the AfD argues is unfair to low-income earners.

An upper limit on taxes and levies

The AfD also proposes an upper limit on taxes and levies, so that the total amount of taxes paid by individuals and businesses does not exceed a certain percentage of their income.

These proposals are part of the AfD's broader economic policy, which aims to reduce the tax burden on businesses and individuals, and to promote economic growth.
